Rabu, 03 Agustus 2022

Cara Membuat Inductance Meter atau Alat Pengukur Nilai Induktansi

 Artikel ini merupakan artikel sementara sebelum dijelaskan secara detail, karena videonya telah diluncurkan jadi perlu adanya kode program untuk yang ingin mencobanya.

Skema tambahan inductance meter 

Inilah kode programnya 

/*Thanks. Remember to visit my Youtube channel
  If you don't whant to Serial print the valeus just delete the serial. print lines
  and leave just the LCD print ones.
  I've used a i2c LCD screen module.
//LCD config
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); //sometimes the adress is not 0x3f. Change to 0x27 if it dosn't work.

//13 is the input to the circuit (connects to 150ohm resistor), 11 is the comparator/op-amp output.
double pulse, frequency, capacitance, inductance, inductance_mH;

void setup() {
  pinMode(11, INPUT);//output through a 150 ohm resistor to thr LC circuit
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);//Input from the comparator output//Use any other pin you select


  lcd.setCursor( 1, 0);
  lcd.print("-= WELCOME =-");
  lcd.setCursor( 0, 1);
  lcd.print("> FAREED READ <");

void loop() {

  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  delay(5);//give some time to charge inductor.
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  delayMicroseconds(100); //make sure resination is measured
  pulse = pulseIn(11, HIGH, 5000); //returns 0 if timeout

  if (pulse > 0.1) { //if a timeout did not occur and it took a reading:

    // insert your used capacitance value here. Currently using 2uF. Delete this line after that
    capacitance = 2.E-6; // <- 1000="" 1e6="" 3.14159="" 4.="" as="" capacitance="" delay="" do="" erial="" for="" frequency="" here="" hz:="" if="" igh="" inductance="" inductance_mh="inductance" insert="" is="" just="" lcd.clear="" like="" me="" my="" note="" of="" one="" print="" profs="" pulse="" same="" saying="" serial.print="" serial.println="" squares="" tfrequency="" that="" the="" this="" tinductance="" told="" uh:="" us:="" value="">= 1000 && frequency >= 1000) {
      frequency /= 1000;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print("L < ");
      lcd.print(" mH >");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("F < ");
      lcd.print(" KHz >");
    else if (inductance < 1000 && frequency >= 1000) {
      frequency /= 1000;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print("L < ");
      lcd.print(" uH >");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("F < ");
      lcd.print(" KHz >");
    else if (frequency < 1000 && inductance >= 1000) {
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print("L < ");
      lcd.print(" mH >");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("F <");
      lcd.print(" Hz >");

Inilah videonya 
